- 미남이시네요 / Minami Shineyo oso known as He's Beautiful, You're Beautiful
- 불새 / Phoenix oso known as Firebird
- 시크릿 가든 / Secret Garden
Score: 8/10
- 궁 (宮) / Goong oso known as Princess Hours, Palace, Imperial Household
- 매리는 외박중 / Maerineun Oebakjoong oso known as Marry Me, Mary and Mary Stayed Out All Night
- 검사 프린세스 / Prosecutor Princess oso known as Prosecutor Mata Hari
- 성균관 스캔들 / Sungkyunkwan Scandal
- 궁 (宮) S / Goong Season S oso known as Palace S / Prince Hours / Imperial Household S / Goong Special
- 아가씨를 부탁해 / Take Care Of the Lady oso known as My Fair Lady / Lady Castle
- 포도밭 그사나이 / Podopat Geusanai oso known as The Vineyard Man, The Man in the Vineyard
- 베토벤 바이러스 / Beethoven Virus
- 내조의 여왕 / Queen of Housewives oso known as My Wife Is A Superwoman
- 신입사원 / Super Rookie